Principal: Tami Concepcion Secretary: Nikki Wight
At Bench:
We are SAFE.
Contacting the School
Main office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The office can be a very busy place, especially close to the start of school, and around dismissal times. Please leave a message if there is no answer when calling the school -- messages appear in the secretary's email, and are retrieved regularly during the day.
Contacting Your Child's Teacher
In an effort to minimize disruptions during instruction time, teachers will have their phone ringers turned off during the school day. If you need to contact your child's teacher or get a message to your child, please call the office: we will either put you through to the teacher's voicemail, or the office will message the teacher directly. Depending on circumstances, we may take a note to your child's classroom, or make a call to your child's classroom 5 minutes prior to the release bell. You may also email your child's teacher or contact them via the classroom app (SeeSaw, Remind, etc.).
Visiting the School
Safety is of utmost concern to us. When visiting the school, please ring the buzzer on the brick wall, and be prepared to state your reason for visiting and to show your identification.
We do not allow visitors past the front desk unless prior arrangements have been made with teachers. This is for the safety and privacy of our students, as well as an effort to minimize disruptions in the classroom.
If you need to visit with your child in person during the day, we will call them to the office for you to do so.
If you would like to have lunch with your child, please call the office in the morning on the day you would like to visit.
7:50 - Breakfast
8:00 - Warning Bell -- Students may begin entering their classrooms.
8:15 - School Starts - Students are at their desks, in their classrooms, ready to learn.
2:15 - Primary Dismissal (1:15 on Wednesdays)
3:00 - Intermediate Dismissal (2:00 on Wednesdays)